Holding Local Officials Accountable to The Globalist Parasite That is Killing California

Dan Titus & Linnie Drolet, Foothill Tax Payers Association, April 21, 2018

The globalist parasite that is killing California is Sustainable Development/Sustainability, which is now in the agencies in California via The United Nations Paris Agreement. The Governor and establishment politicians have allowed the climate policy to usurped, making California a satellite of the United Nations.  The people did not vote on this. Governor Brown made an illegal treaty with China, brought it back and installed it via SB32 into the agencies. There is speculation that Brown usurped his authority and that he could be potentially prosecuted under the Logan Act for his behavior.

The Inland Empire Citizens Action Committee (IECAC) is a coalition of several groups in the Inland Empire of California. They reject the San Bernardino Countywide Vision and have signed resolutions condemning this because it embraces the progressive globalist agenda of Technocracy19 though the  program of action of U.N. Agenda 21/2030 for sustainable development (SD); hence, it embraces centralized planning as evidenced in the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) as part of their Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), which are recommendations being used by cities, counties, unelected Councils of Governments (GOGs) and stakeholder groups across the State.

 SCS is a Caustic Policy

SD is accomplished through these layers of unelected boards bodies and commissions, known as the shadow government. For example, SD programs are injected into San Bernardino County via the Countywide Vision, and into cities via SCAG’s SCS. It is destroying the vitality and ambiance of communities and local control.

The Establishment in Both Major Political Parties Complicit


The platform of the Republican National Committee17 and California Republican Party18 are opposed to the agenda of sustainability and sustainable development. The San Bernardino Republican Central Committee has a resolution opposing this agenda. Republicans need to be aware of this because if they support for these kinds of programs, they will opposing their party.


With the recent passage of the gas tax and subsequent passage of cap & trade adding direct costs to consumers of 75 cents with ensuing fee increases for vehicle registration, Democrats have lost their narrative on Climate Change.

The foundation for Climate Change is social justice to help the poor. Democrats can no longer make the social justice argument.

Climate Change has Become Politicized

Climate change policy has been politicized; therefore, so have the solutions. The Trump administration is unraveling many president Obama’s policies.

The new administration’s policies will put downward presser on California because the president’s agenda is counter intuitive to global warming legislation there. State climate change legislation foists the goal of implementing SD aka, Sustainability with the goal of “making California the global leader in Climate Change” at any cost.

Definition of Sustainable Development/Sustainability

Government & Agencies Definition

The United Nations, governments and agencies  interchangeably use these terms when identifying SD:

  • U.N. Agenda 21 and/or
  • Sustainable Development and/or
  • Sustainability

They define it as:

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.8

This embraces centrally planned needs over consumer wants, which is socialist in nature.

Water Rationing by Individual is Here: Big Brother is Watching

In a shocking article dated 4-9-2018 titled, Chino Hills may start rationing water for residents, author Sandra Emerson states, “Water rationing and rate increases could be on the way for Chino Hills residents. The proposal would give households water to meet their needs (see Governor Brown’s tyrannical Executive Order B-37-16 on preemptive drought war by making conservation – rationing – a way of life in California) based on the number of people living there and their daily usage, outdoor landscaped area and weather. Residents would be allocated 55 gallons per capita per day to start with. Gardens would be allocated water based on satellite maps.”9 What the article did not tell people is that budget based water rationing is be promoted and foisted into cities via the San Bernardino Countywide Vision. (See optimize Demand Management below).

The 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution states, “…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” This presents a problem for jurisdictions that implement water rationing because of property rights. Beyond the property rights of person, real property rights are under attack with budget-based rationing. Governments cannot legally interfere with 1) Acquisition 2) Use and 3) Disposition of private property.

California Has Reached its GHG Reduction Goals; State Wants More

The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) codified the greenhouse emission goal (GHG) targets to reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. California is on track to meet these targets, therefore the collectivists in the California found it necessary to set a new set of reduction goals. SB 32, which piggyback’s on to AB 32 requires the state to slash greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.

Planners Dictate Needs; People Want Freedom to Choose Their Own Destiny

Planners have been wrong about the drivers for implementing SD. They are finding out that people do not want consumer wants assessed into centrally controlled needs dictated by the State and agencies; however, this does not stop the endless stream of legislation in Sacramento to reduce the alleged cause of climate change: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG).

Cutting emissions will affect nearly all aspects of life in the state — where people live, how they get to work, how their food is produced and where their electricity comes from.

To accomplish to goal of GHG reduction, The California Air Resources Board reviews goals every 5 years. In 2017, the board updated their scoping plan with language from the United Nations Paris Agreement. President Obama signed an executive order confirming the US’s adoption of the agreement, but he didn’t submit it to Congress for approval. Therefore, the Trump administration was able to “cancel” the US’s commitment to the accord.

San Bernardino County All In On Globalist Plan: The Countywide Vision

To accomplish and take direct control of State SD goals in San Bernardino County, former CEO for the County and scoping plan committee member, Greg Devereaux, hatched the Countywide Vison. This “big idea” was shepparded by the local unelected Council of Government (GOG) group, SanBag, now known as collectively San Bernardino County Council of Governments (SBCOG) and the San Bernardino County Transit Authority (SBCTA). Outreach consensus meetings were held and 3,656 people, equaling just 0.18% of the 2 million people in the County, were claimed to have been surveyed. Respondents to the survey included letters written by children3. This group then approached the cities in the County with a prefab resolution. All cities adopted the resolution, “A Countywide Vision for the future”.  Therefore,

  • the vision was created by an unelected official,
  • fostered by unelected body, which created yet
  • another set of unelected bodies, known as Element Groups.
  • The residents of the County did not get to vote on this overreaching Vision.

There are ten element groups that make up the Countywide Vision.  For example Housing, Infrastructure and Water make up three of them. According to David Wert, Public Information Officer for the County:

“The element groups are made up of volunteers. There is no one who picks and chooses who can or can’t participate. The discussion leaders for each element group either naturally emerge from or are appointed by those who volunteer to participate. The element groups don’t report to anyone in the sense that they are held accountable for their performance. Representatives of the element groups meet once a month to discuss their progress and look for opportunities to partner with each other on projects. Staff from the County Administrative Office moderate the meetings…” The groups keep no notes or recordings of their activities for the public record.

Artificial Scarcity Under the Guise of Conservation

The vision embraces artificial scarcities under the guise of conservation. For example it promotes,

  • Smaller housing in the way of high-density development:
  • Transit-oriented and mixed-use development;
  • Promotes active transportation plans for walking and bicycling over vehicle use and
  • Water rationing.
  • It supports increased water, utility and fuel prices

Citizens Are Very Concerned

The SB1 gas tax increase for fuel and Cap & Trade increases for electricity, which promotes costly inefficient, unsecure renewable energy is hitting consumers directly in the pocket book. Also, the State is moving into demand pricing and congestion pricing for roadway usage in the way of a vehicle mileage tax (VMT).  Money is being diverted away from new road and maintenance in favor of inefficient mass-transit. Furthermore, the State embraces Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), which is basically a scheme for government control of electricity. Add in big data collection for demand management of toll lanes and surveillance systems on light poles that cities and County are now promoting, citizens are becoming wary and concerned.

The Vision Puts More County Control Over Cities

The vison yokes the cities into the purview of the County that did not exist before. It can be used as leverage to force cities into compliance of vision goals. For example, if a city does not create a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for GHG reduction, the County could make it “difficult” to get road funds due to them.

In reality, the vision is nothing more than a grand wealth redistribution scheme fomented by the State through SCAG and SBGOG/SBCTA.

Sustainable Development/Sustainability Drivers Are Wrong

The “SCS” (Sustainable Communities Strategy) part of SCAG’s half trillion dollar 2016 – 2040 RTP/SCS regional plan is centered around social justice, social equity and environmental justice which are schemes to redistribute tax dollars from environmental programs to the poor and protected classes. SBCOG is tasked with implementing SCAGs vision in San Bernardino through the Countywide Vision.

Experts have opined and forecasted for the past few decades that people must “conserve” in many aspects of their lives in order to save the planet from the evils of CO2, the alleged cause of global warming. Central planners have advocated massive changes in population lifestyles to accomplish the goal of reducing CO2 through GHG reduction. For example, experts claim that the younger people a.k.a. millennials, “embrace quality of space” as opposed to “quality of life” as their credo, opting for a conservation-centric shared-economic lifestyle. It is alleged that they don’t like to drive cars and therefore seek alternative mobility options like walking, biking, and mass-transit. Planners state that millennials prefer to live in apartments in lieu of single family homes, claiming that this is a primary driver for urbanization of suburb communities. This is used to promote the fallacy that Millennial “wants” somehow form a catalyst for centralized planning through the socialist behavior modification scheme called SCS SCS does not embrace wants (capitalism) it dictates needs (socialism).

High-Density Sustainable Development

There is a glut of luxury apartments in the U.S. due to cheap interest rates and government SD incentive programs. Several years ago we were attending a housing seminar and we asked a consultant why so much high-density SD housing was being built and how planners hoped to bring down the price to meet demand for affordable housing. He said, “We plan to over build in order to collapse the price.” The Wall Street journal stated in a January 2018 article, Denver Has a Plan for Its Many Luxury Apartments: Housing Subsidies, to assist low to moderate income people with a low income voucher equity program.11

The California Sustainable Communities Climate and Protect Act of 2008 (SB 375) states under section 65588 (d) (2)

“The number of housing units for persons and families of low or moderate income…required to be provided in new housing developments either within the coastal zone or with three miles of the coastal zone.”

To sum up, poor people will be taxpayer subsidized and living in new apartments at the beach. That is exactly what is happening in cities like Huntington Beach where there continues to be over building despite the city’s efforts to slow it down by challenging the State’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment Numbers (RHNA).12

Millennials Want to Drive; They Want the American Dream

At the SBCOG City Managers Technical Advisory Meeting on January 11, 2018: Hasan Ikhrata, president of SCAG, stated that recent studies had confirmed that mass-transit ridership is drastically down because as more poor people gain access to driver licenses, they want to drive. He also stated that planners have been wrong for the past several years about the millennial generation as a driver for SD, saying:

So, this idea that millennials are not loving their car or not loving to live the way the baby boomers is not proving to be the case – Hasan Ikhrata

He conceded, because of increased vehicle traffic, that SCAGs predictions are wrong and people are not going to give up their cars in lieu of buses, trains, and bike lanes.

Millennials don’t want mass-transit mobility; they want to drive their own car and live in their own single-family house, not high-density apartments

SCAGs Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCAG RTP/SCS) plan is flawed; therefore, tax increases pushed by local COGs like Measure M sales tax, SB1 gas tax increase and extending Cap & Trade are flawed. Further, any proposed tax increases to support the plan are false. 


Why are local GOGs, like SBCOG, pushing sustainability and trying to raise taxes and fees, to socially reengineer cites, when they know that plans are flawed and people do not want the solutions they provide?

 Your Tax Dollars Are Going to Disadvantaged Communities

Some of the Billions in increased tax revenue the State is receiving are being redistributed to disadvantaged communities with high illegal alien populations under the theme of environmental justice. In essence,

We are paying more for gas (SB1) and electricity (Cap and Trade)1 to pay reparations (AB197)4 in disadvantaged communities with high illegal alien populations because they are allegedly exposed to air pollution (AB 32 & SB 32).

In the end, SD goals pander to the elites that push policy through local MTOs and GOGs. The idea is very simple:

  • Stimulate housing supply by awarding contracts to well entrenched development companies who receive government incentives through waivers and grants.
  • Cuddle the nonprofit community for favors with incentives to support programs for the disadvantaged and SD policies.

The goal: house disadvantaged communities for Democrat votes.

Once on the government dole, people generally vote for the hand that feeds them. These points are emphasized by Stanley Kurtz in his book, spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities.13

Local Politicians Supporting SD Policy

IECAC constantly reviews public policy and visits with officials. Here are a few examples involving local representatives and SD policy.

Chad Mayes – IECAC reached out to Representative Chad Mayes and asked for clarification on the issue of Cap & Trade. He refused to meet with us. He later said at a Central Committee meeting where he was later sanctioned for supporting Cap & Trade, that he “could have done a better job at outreach.” (See attached letter).

Marc Steinorth – Citizens visited Representative Marc Steinorth on a few occasions. During the first visit, his staff became agitated and called the police. Dozens of squad cars and officers arrived on the scean.14 He then invited activists to his office so he could explain why he voted to extend the Cap & Trade program; he was grilled by upset activists.15 (See video links in Reference).

Note: Marc Steinorth gained an early endorsement by the SB GOP for his State Assembly seat; then, vacated that endorsement when decided to run for SB County Supervisor in the 2nd District. This created a wide open draft for County Supervisor James Ramos – a Democrat – to fill the vacated seat. Steinorth made a late decision; therefore, the GOP did not have time to react and highly qualified candidates did not have time to plan a campaign.

Republicans at the State level used to have an advantage in debating and pushing back against SD. That is until it was destroyed by Assemblyman Chad Mayes and Marc Steinorth when they voted for SB1 and extending Cap and Trade1.

SB County Supervisors – We reached out to County Supervisors, Janice Rutherford, Curt Hagman and Robert Lovingood to reassess an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) and they ignored our plea. (See attached letter). Furthermore, these individuals, support of the Countywide Vision, which as previously mentioned, basically wealth redistribution under the guise of SD programs and instituted by unelected boards called Element Groups.

Note: Demand that each of these Supervisors affirm in public that they will not support Chad Mayes as a candidate for a vacated seat for County Supervisor if Supervisor Ramos wins his Assembly seat.

Rancho Cucamonga – Mayor Dennis Michael and council support forty voluntary sustainability development climate change programs in Rancho Cucamonga.10 We know that the RC Healthy Cities Program alone costs taxpayers there over $200,000. In a recent information request to review costs for the other programs, the clerk’s office replied, “The City has determined there are no responsive documents to your request.”

Fontana – Mayor Acquanetta Warren – The city of Fontana is in the process of updating the city General Plan (GP). They spent $1,724,657 on a consultant to assist the city in moving towards a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS). Activists successfully argued against the Cities Climate Action Plan and defeated it. The Mayor promotes biking, but says she doesn’t ride a bikes.

Hesperia – Council members Paul Russ and Russ Blewett signed our Countywide Vision opposition resolution. We are waiting for them to put the issue to rescind the city’s resolution statement on the agenda for an up or down vote. We also did two presentations with councilman Bill Holland; however, he said he agreed that the Countywide Vison was overreaching because of SD, but he did not sign our opposition resolution.

Adelanto – Councilman John “Bug” Woodward, Jr. signed our Countywide Vision opposition resolution. The city needs to rescind the Countywide Vision statement.

Note: Demand that all SB city incumbents and candidates affirm in public that they will rescind the Countywide Vision statement in their city roll back SD programs.

Citizens Need to Hold Politicians Accountable

In the end it is up to citizens to hold elected officials and candidates for office accountable. Research incumbent’s voting records through state/county/city Web sites; demand answers from candidates in writing. Have them sign off on your candidate vetting questionnaire.

Republicans: The majority of them have breached GOP bylaws and resolutions because they ignore them. They are ignorant because they don’t read, or they choose to ignore even after citizen activists attempt to educate them. The only other reason for their behavior is that they are “bought and paid for.” This is easy to vet through the County elections office.

Democrats are all in on Sustainable Development and are lock step with the party because it provides them with votes.


1  The Process of Cap & Trade  – It’s okay to pollute if you pay for the privilege of doing so

2 The U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: A Critique

3 Social Equity Through Sustainability: A Critical Introduction to the San Bernardino Countywide Vision

AB-197 also requires that CARB “protect the state’s most impacted and disadvantaged communities.”

5 Half of all Cap and Trade Money goes to Illegal Alien Cities

7 Agenda 21: Sustainable Development in California

8 Definition of Sustainable Development

9 Chino Hills may start rationing water for residents

10 Rancho Cucamonga SD Climate Change Programs

11 Denver Has a Plan for Its Many Luxury Apartments: Housing Subsidies

12 Huntington Beach defiant on low-income housing mandate

13 Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities

14 Video: Trump Supporters go to Marc Steinorth’s Office: Police Response Like Terrorist Attack

15 Video: Marc Steinorth Grilled by Activists on his Support for Cap and Trade Gas Tax

16 Video: Chad Mayes Confronted

17 National Republican Platform, 2016 Page 51 – We emphatically reject U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of U.S. sovereignty, and we oppose any form of Global Tax.

18 California Republican Platform, 2015 Page 8 – Private Property Rights – “We further support local land use decision making, with as much opportunity for public input and comment as possible, instead of regional planning efforts, such as United Nations’ Agenda 21 and Plan Bay Area, that impose state and regional mandates on local government and private property owners.”

19 Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation