Plan RC Goals

What is PlanRC?
According to the city of Rancho Cucamonga:
The City of Rancho Cucamonga is embarking on an exciting multi-year planning effort to bring the community together to talk about the future and update our General Plan. The community-based process and eventual Plan, PlanRC, will set a long-term vision and provide policy direction and guidance to residents, City staff, decision-makers, and the broader community. Instead, it is about preserving what makes us special, preparing for technological advancements and increasing our ability to be resilient in the face of natural disasters. It is about enhancing our sense of place and character, providing housing options and choices for our community, and growing our local economy.
What PlanRC Means
CLAIM: PlanRC is not about trying to dramatically change our great community.
The city of Rancho Cucamonga is a city, not a community. PlanRC has State goals that must be adhered to. This happened when the council ceded local control to the State, by contract. These goals dramatically changes the ambiance of the city, increases living expenses and reduces standards of living.
CLAIM: PlanRC Is about preserving what makes us special.
Plan RC reduces Rancho Cucamonga’s exceptionalism, which makes it special, by changing the city’s character from suburban to urban.
CLAIM: PlanRC is is about preparing for technological advancements.
This is about installing infrastructure for “smart cities”, the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G wireless, which includes autonomous vehicles and citywide surveillance systems.
CLAIM: PlanRC is increasing our ability to be resilient in the face of natural disasters.
This is about installing climate change solutions which adds costs and therefore, reduce standards of living.
CLAIM: PlanRC is about enhancing our sense of place and character.
Place means “village communities”: smart cities. Goal: High density development: No cars allowed. Promotes mass-transit, bikes and walkable “communities.”
CLAIM: PlanRC is about providing housing options and choices for our community.
This means promoting housing for disadvantaged, which includes homeless, minorities and illegal/undocumented individuals. Citizens and residents are relegated to “Community Members” by in plan.
CLAIM: PlanRC is about growing our local economy.
This means favoring businesses that agree to implement climate change solutions in the city: Benefit or B Corporations. This discriminates against businesses that don’t have this designation.