Action Plan

How to Educate Public Officials Through Accountability

  1. Sample of General Plan Sustainability Chapter Critique
  2. Sample of Successful Campaign to Stop Takeover of Government Electricity
  3. Sample Letter to Public Official Requesting Public Position

Brochures & Handouts

  1. How to Recognize Sustainable Development (SD), UN Agenda21/2030 in your community
  2. The Definition of Sustainability – This handout defines sustainability in simple concise terms.
  3. The Process of Sustainable Development – This tri-fold brochure provides a quick overview of the genesis and history of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.
  4. The Process of Cap and Trade – This tri-fold brochure provides a quick overview of cap-and-trade and how it works.  See the Video.

Reports & Publications


“DIMENSIONS OF SUSTAINABILITY: When Considering Smart Growth Planning Policies and Greenhouse Gas Reductions”
Planners and consultants make claims. This report shows how to disclaim their claims regarding schemes to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


Learn what the government agencies are using to promote Sustainable Development (SD).

Published in 1996, this title is the standard desk reference for planners in the United States: “The task of mobilizing and technically supporting Local Agenda 21 planning in these communities has been led by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and national associations of local government. The Guide has been prepared to assist local governments and their local partners to learn and undertake the challenging task of sustainable development planning Now, with the further support of the International Development Research Centre and the United Nations Environment Programme, ICLEI is able to present the first worldwide documentation of Local Agenda 21 planning approaches, methods, and tools in this Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide: An Introduction into Sustainable Development Planning.


The Actions of Discontent: Tea Party and Property Rights Activists Pushing Back Against Regional Planning, by Karen Trapenberg Frick

Debunking Portland: The City That Doesn’t Work, by Randal O’Toole – Portland planning did not start out as a real
estate scheme aimed at enriching Neil Goldschmidt and his friends and clients, but it ended up that way. Portland’s planning process was conceived by ideologues who disliked the automobile and wanted to preserve all of Oregon’s abundant open space no matter what the cost. It was endorsed by politicians who refused to believe, or simply ignored, predictions that it would hugely increase congestion and housing costs. And it was manipulated by a cabal of politically connected businesses seeking to divert the flow of tax dollars into their own pockets. (for more about redevelopment: see 1. A Portlander’s View of Smart Growth 2. Redevelopment: The Unknown Government).

Crony Capitalism and Social Engineering: The Case against Tax-Increment Financing, by Randal O’Toole -Tax-increment financing (TIF) is an increasingly popular way for cities to promote economic development. TIF works by allowing cities to use the property, sales, and other taxes collected from new developments—taxes that would otherwise go to schools, libraries, fire departments, and other urban services—to subsidize those same developments. While cities often claim that TIF is “free money” because it represents the taxes collected from developments that might not have taken place without the subsidy, there is plenty of evidence that this is not true.

GOP Platform and Resolutions

GOP 2012 Platform and Resolutions on UN Agenda 21 for Elected Officials – Denotes the GOP platform and national resolution opposing Agenda 21.