UN & Bill Gates “50-in-5” Plot is “Digital Prison” for Humanity
The UN and Bill Gates 50-in-5 scheme to impose “Digital Public infrastructure,” including digital ID and digital currency, is coming soon to a community near you. Will you participate?
The United Nations and Bill Gates 50-in-5 scheme to impose “Digital Public Infrastructure,” including digital ID, digital currency, and digital wallets, is really a plan to eliminate privacy and liberty worldwide, explains journalist Alex Newman on In Focus with Alison Steinberg of One America News Network (OAN).
The UN-led plan, which involves getting 50 national governments fully onboard with digitization and “digital public goods” in 5 years, aims to create digital systems that are interoperable. The goal is for all of humanity to participate. Will you? If not, what will you do to push back?
Eventually, Newman explains that the evildoers behind the so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (4IR), such as Klaus Schwab, hope to see a “fusion” of people’s digital and biological identities. The implications should alarm all who care about privacy, freedom, and civilization.
Liberty-lovers must get to work to expose this evil now before we find ourselves trapped. Start by educating yourself, and then take action to educate others.

Learn more and catch Alex’s further coverage on this issue by visiting LibertySentinel.org