San Bernardino County California Celebrates BLM Movement with Award
By Paul Daniels, August 22, 2020 – updated August 26, 2020 12:10 pm PST

Note: On 8-25-2020, The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors voted to give Samuel Casey the award cited in this article.
Next Tuesday, at the August 25th San Bernardino County Board of Supervisor meeting, addressing item 2 on the agenda, the Board plans a “special presentation to Pastor Samuel Casey, Founder/Executive Director of Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement (COPE), in recognition of his advocacy that led to San Bernardino County’s resolution to declare racism a public health crisis.” Racism, a public health crisis is a battle cry for the overt Marxist group, Black Lives Matter (BLM).
Refuting claims of systemic racism is the Inland Empire Citizens Action Committee (IECAC), which is a coalition of groups in the San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. IECAC sent a letter in early July to all cities in the Inland Empire cautioning them not to redefine racism.
IECAC contends that the award for Sam Casey of COPE, would further solidify the Counties support of the broader Marxist movement of Black Lives matter (BLM). It is no secret that COPE is associated with groups recognized by foundations funding the BLM movement and supporting the same major push to declare racism a health crisis.
As Mayor Harmon of San Louis Obispo said, “I am in full support of the Black Lives Matter movement,” She told CalCoastNews on June 4. “I collaborated with the leaders of this march to write a statement. We worked together on it. The number one thing for them is declaring racism a public health emergency.” Additionally, the organizers of the BLM march in San Louis Obispo demanded reparations from boarded up businesses, and some of them actually paid.
Members of the COPE coalition have been working to make it clear that race plays a factor in health. The larger coalition seeks to create the appearance that health challenges are more than just individual genetics and lifestyle. They see America as a racist country and system.
COPE is working with the County as a “partner” with the Reentry Collaborative. COPE has received a $275,000 grant from the Marguerite Casey Foundation. The foundation promotes Black Lives Matter (BLM), and radical BLM founder, Alicia Garza.
COPE is part of a larger coalition that identifies with BLM and is directly funded by George Soros. California Calls, promoter of The African American Civic Engagement Project, has targeted San Bernardino County using COPE and two other political organizations. They see “a new opportunity and need to engage African American voters… in the wake of Black Lives Matter movement.” California Calls is directly funded by the Tides Foundation, a George Soros-funded organization. Sam Casey says, “What these funders have supported us to do is to play better in the sandbox.”
To accomplish goals, groups in “targeted counties” use voter roll files as keys to success. According to the report, Bolder Together 2, Casey states, “The voter file is really the best tool we have for making sure we are getting to the people we need to reach. Without this technology, you are truly flying by the seat of your pants and until now, it was a technology that was entirely out of our reach.”
Sam Casey of COPE said, “We’re going to lead the state. We’re going to lead this region and we’re going to become a model for the nation, that we have not only declared racism as a public health crisis, but we have put the actionable steps in place to eradicate the invisible systems that have allowed racism to remain around for far too long.”
IECAC associate, Raul Rodriguez, Jr. with America’s First Latinos said, “COPE, and other liberation groups, recently exploited BLM race riots to their gain. In the wake of the BLM nationwide riots, it is remarkable to see the surrender of the County Board of Supervisors to this movement. The bewildered citizens of this county can only wonder how soon we will be forced to pay oppressively higher taxes for reparations, lose what’s left of our freedom, our businesses, our security, and the ability to simply live in peace.”