Siskiyou County, California, Embraces Rationing Under United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

By Dan Titus, ACSC, 4-17-2024
Note: On Wednesday, April 24th 2024, an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) Open House was held at:
Transit Center Conference Room
190 Greenhorn Road,
Yreka, CA 96097
4:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Local activists challenged consultants and staff about the ATP and its validity for Siskiyou County.
In a move that could negatively impact farmers and ranchers, Nonprofit Corporations, have a goal to bring transformative change called, The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to Siskiyou and Shasta Counties, in California.
Siskiyou County Local Transportation Commission (SCLTC) is working with Alta Planning + Design, Inc. and Siskiyou Outdoor Recreation Alliance (SORA) to prepare a Regional Active Transportation Plan (ATP), which will focus on: “identifying and prioritizing active transportation infrastructure projects, programs, and policies to meet the needs of the Siskiyou community.” These kind of plans dispense grant money with terms and conditions to implement ATPs in dense, urban cities in order to reduce carbon emissions by constraining vehicle traffic and promoting walking and biking; however, “to meet the needs of the community”, SORA is fomenting structures under the guise of ‘recreation.’
SORA’s mission is to: “Advocate for opportunities for all to access outdoor recreation and create meaningful and responsible connections to the trails, mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, and landscapes of the Shasta-Siskiyou region of Northern California.” Meaning and responsible connections means land conservation through Sustainable Development, also known as simply, Sustainability. Access for all fosters Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (DEI) for protected minority classes—including Indian tribes, which injects racial justice, realized through affirmative action, into the narrative.
According to Alta Planning + Design’s website, “Alta pioneered the field of active transportation. They work to mitigate climate change and advance safety and social justice through sustainable mobility. They claim, a couple of decades ago, people were “calling for safer streets for people walking and bicycling as the non-motorized transportation movement developed in North America”. Their motto is “Sustainability on the move.”
Sustainability is collectivism: It’s a worldview where free individuals must give up their rights and private property for the collective good; where everyone is equal—equally poor. It is antithetical to the United States Constitution; therefore, it is unconstitutional. It is voluntary, but that does not stop its implementation by the government.
There’s capitalism; everything else is collectivism
Sustainability can be defined as artificial scarcity under the guise of conservation. Its goal is transformation of society through behavior modification and social engineering. It is using less of everything: Less food, less energy, less choice, less water, less mobility and less freedom. At its core, its rationing, all contrived by unelected agencies, boards, bodies, commissions, nonprofit corporations, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Indian tribes. This ‘governance’ is designed to replace our representative form of ‘government’ by turning elected public officials into to rubber stamps, installing prepackaged solutions, for problems that don’t exist.
Sustainability is accomplished by restricting resources. Through conservation easements and land trusts, land grabs take place. By mandating metering of wells, water rights are diminished and removed. By restricting vehicles, mobility is impacted. All of this negatively impacts farmer’s and rancher’s production, which leads to less food and higher prices at the grocery store—for all.
There is no pathway to achieve The Paris Climate Agreement’s goals without massive decrease in the scale of animal agriculture— The United Nations
SORA’s staff has dedicated experience in realizing Sustainability. They bring a collectivist problem-solving approach to the table. Denoting flowery accomplishments, their website states:
- Justi Hansen, Executive Director: Brings “a career in economic development, a career in non-profit organizational development… and supports the health and well-being of Siskiyou County residents.”
- Renee Casterline, Chief Operating Officer: “With her 8 years of experience with land trusts, she brings her background in community organizing and non-profit leadership to projects in appreciation for the power of community” activism.
- Jillian Neel, Nordic Center Program Director: Has a “career passion is to balance environment, economy, and equality, and build a better future for the land and community members.”
- Shayna Cassidy, Event Coordinator: “Works with the Sierra Club Foundation. Her goal and passion has always been to work with “conscious companies.”
- Bryson Schreder, Siskiyou Stewardship Corps Program Director: “Has a degree in Architecture and a minor in Sustainable Environments.”
- Dave Tricamo, President: “Is drawn to the idea that there should be equal opportunity for all to explore the wild places… and foster a conservation ethic in more people.”
- John Vona, Treasurer: “Brings the perspective of a large, private land manager to SORA’s community-based projects. .. he is a Registered Professional Forester and analyst bring a business mindset to our small, local non-profit.”
- Ashley Parker : “Is passionate about community building and connection, stewardship and building a better world for future generations.”
From Abundance to Artificial Scarcity…
The ATP is part of the United Nations Sustainable Transport where transportation systems—including vehicles— are identified as polluters. Sustainable Transport addresses three U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages – This means cradle to grave control over how and where we live and what we are permitted to eat. The healthy lives they promote means basically forcing us out of our cars and into walking, mass-transit, and riding bikes as we are relocated into high-density “human settlements” with high rise apartment buildings, sanctioned by government.
SDG Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation – Sustainable industrialization means destroyed industry. It means “Net Zero”: No CO2 and no methane (no cows) in the air. That means increased costs for the Agricultural industry, which will be forced to adapt to government agency rules.
No real industry can remain in business under a government managed economy, with its shifting rules and constant tax increases. Government doesn’t create industry or prosperity. The government’s job is to protect the marketplace so innovators are free to create ideas, industries and opportunities. Government by itself is a job killer when it gets in the way.
SDG Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable – This means moving rural farmers and ranchers off their land and rezoning it for urbanization—this is happening in Europe, now. It means walkable, dense 15-Miniute Cities where travel is constrained with concepts like congestion pricing where the government has an incentive to cause traffic jams, so that they can charge a fee. This means the end of private property rights, single-family homes and hello to high-rise apartment buildings, unaffordable rents. It means increased taxes because more s schools will need to be built. More fire fighters, police and public employees will be needed. Inclusive means providing subsidized housing for minorities and protected classes.
How could “conservative” county officials contract with unelected special nonprofits, like SORA, who directly benefit from transformative collectivist-style change for rural America?
Individual Rights vs. The Collective…
People need to remind elected county supervisors and officials of their Constitutional oaths to protect individual property rights, as evidenced in a Paramount Network’s “Yellowstone” season one episode: Patriarch John Dutton is confronted by a group of Communist Chinese tourists who are trespassing on his land. He demands that the leave and when he explains that he owns the land one trespasser states, “It is wrong for one man to own all this.” Dutton responds, “This is America, we don’t share land here!”