San Bernardino County Declares ‘War’ on Residents
By John Q. Publix, August 4, 2020 – Updated, 8-19-2020
A very small number of business operators – less than 3% – continue to defy COVID safety directives. “Unfortunately, a small handful of business owners continue to resist following safety guidelines, so we’ve had no choice but to refer them to the State, which will follow through with enforcement measures,” said Chairman Curt Hagman. “While the numbers are few, we’re still disappointed that some have chosen not to work with us in helping to get the County off the State monitoring list.” – #SBCountyTogether Newsletter, 8-14-2020
Businesses, cities and residents are beginning to wake up to the blatant tyranny foisted on the nation via unconstitutional COVID-19 edicts. The nation will eventually “open’ up. But, not before “battles” are fought. Battle lines have been drawn.
“They have tried to put a gun to our head to make us fold. They want our citizens to feel scared and vulnerable; don’t be. They want to increase political heat or we become the next victim in today’s long line of victims in today’s cancel culture.” – Atwater Mayor Paul Creighton
Below is excerpted from San Bernardino County’s weekly newsletter about COVID-19, dated July 24, 2020. Text in italics are from the newsletter, promoting the County’s Education/Engage/Enforcement plan (EEE)

San Bernardino County: Tactical Strike Teams Deployed
The Alcoholic Beverage Commission, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the California Highway Patrol.
The County Fire Marshal and County Environmental Health Services Division will field a team of 30 inspectors in conjunction with County Sheriff, who will be tasked with visiting businesses, and confirm reported violations. The County Sheriff will assist.
County Battle Campaign
Intensifying its efforts to combat COVID-19 and diminish spread of the coronavirus, the County is implementing a COVID-19 Compliance Education/Engagement/Enforcement (EEE) Plan in coordination with local cities.
– County ropes in cities in San Bernardino as mercenaries?
– To coordinate with local cities?
– Will cities give up LOCAL CONTROL for a County jack boot on the neck to “encourage compliance”?
The new campaign is designed to encourage compliance with federal, state and County public health mandates.
County cowers down to State and Governor Newsom
“Our County remains on the state’s Monitoring List, which restricts our ability to continue reopening our economy or allow schools to provide in-person instruction,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman. “Getting off the list requires us to show tangible success in reducing new positive cases, hospitalizations and ICU admissions — and that requires strict compliance with various public health mandates.”
• You are on the list!
• County begs permission to get off STATE list?
• Local control be damned!

Incoming storm-troopers – duck!
• Mandates are unconstitutional
• Guidelines and recommendations are unconstitutional
Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the creation of Strike Teams comprising 10 state agencies working in conjunction with local officials. The Strike Teams, which are focusing on businesses that continue to defy safety mandates, include such agencies as the Alcoholic Beverage Commission, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the California Highway Patrol. The Education, Engagement & Enforcement Plan was established to support these Strike Teams.

Iron fist
“Our primary emphasis is on educating high-risk businesses about the critical need to comply with these directives, while offering guidance to assist them in these efforts,” Hagman said. “That includes engaging with business owners to make sure they’re aware of the resources we’ve made available. We prefer to avoid punitive actions but will have no other choice if businesses continue to disregard public health ordinances.”
• Critical “need to comply with directives?
• Obey or else!
County embraces ‘snitch’ society
The plan’s initial focus will be on identifying high-risk businesses such as bars, restaurants and gyms; the County will also respond to citizen reports of companies flouting public health mandates. The County will work with cities to coordinate efforts and share lists of these businesses, while allowing cities to take the lead in contacting businesses within their borders.

The assault: New battle platoons deployed
The County Fire Marshal and County Environmental Health Services Division will field a team of 30 inspectors who will be tasked with visiting businesses, confirm reported violations, and offer assistance to help them come into compliance. They will also share details of the industry guidelines developed by the state and encourage them to participate in the County’s COVID-Compliant Business Partnership Program.
• Paying bribes to businesses, in the form of PPE grants, to enforce unconstitutional mandates
Enforcement as a last resort: Businesses that continue to operate while ignoring public health requirements will be reported to the state Strike Team and/or local authorities for follow-up. Business owners or residents interested in reviewing the details can find a PDF of the EEE Plan on this webpage within the County’s COVID-19 website.
• Detention camps?
• Time-out children?
• Prison?
“Since our initial response to the pandemic, our goal has been to gain voluntary compliance from County businesses and residents, many of whom have suffered from COVID-19 and the resulting economic lockdowns,” said Sheriff John McMahon. “We want to help them survive and prosper — while doing everything possible to halt the spread of this disease. But we need their cooperation if we are to succeed in this effort.”
- Government created the problem by killing the economy
- They killed businesses lockdowns, now they want to benevolent and offer compassion
- They have the solutions?
This is all about the money. The County declared war to get money so they can continue to fight a war of tyranny.

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San Bernardino County, California: Residents Stave Off $5000 per Day COVID-19 Fines